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Hudson Heroes

Brain Injury Family

Next Meeting

Monday October, 21, 2024

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM 

Caregivers & Survivors

are welcome

    Discussion led and facilitated by

                        Joe Concato                    Jane Concato

                           (Husband, Caregiver)            (Wife, Brain Injury Survivor)


Topics of Discussion from Previous Meetings

Hearing vs Listening

Even though we use the words hearing and listening interchangeably,

the difference in meaning is significant.


Hearing is a sense.

Listening is a learned skill.


Hearing is the process, function, or power of perceiving sound.

Listening is paying attention to a message in order to hear it, understand it, and

physically or verbally respond to it.


What's The Difference Between Hearing and Listening? (

What would you say to your previous self

(before your brain injury)


Some of the responses included:

Embrace life

Don’t stress the small stuff, and, it is all small stuff

Have fun

No going back

No regrets

Slow down

16 Messages Your Past Self Needs To Hear


Sample of messages from link:

Everything changes regardless if it is good or bad

Be there for yourself

You’re never trapped

Hoping, wishing & worrying will not change someone or a situation

Don’t waste thoughts or time on people who aren’t encouraging you

Who are your Heroes


All participants were asked to identify 2 of their heroes with at least one outside of their immediate family.

Participants were also asked to describe how their hero would describe them.


Some of the responses included:

Co Workers


Immediate Family

Medical / Rehabilitation Professionals

Those who are part of the Brain Injury Family


Hero Definition & Meaning |


A person who, in the opinion of others,

has special achievements, abilities, or personal qualities and is regarded as a role model or ideal.

A person noted for courageous acts or nobility of character.

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